Breathwork is a Practice

I came across this wonderful video of Dr. Andrew Weil this week.


Dr. Andrew Weil on whether breathing exercises can change your health


Dr. Weil is a medical doctor with a focus on integrative medicine, a clinical professor, and the director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. He has been sharing the benefits of breathwork for years.

In the interview he beautifully describes breathwork as a practice:

I often say it’s like water cutting the Grand Canyon. It’s the constancy of doing this that produces dramatic changes. So even though it may only take a minute or two a day, doing this regularly over a period of weeks or months changes involuntary nervous function and through that, the physiology of the body.
— Dr. Andrew Weil

Try the 4-7-8 Breath

Want to try the breath pattern that Dr. Weil calls “a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system” right now?

Here is his explanation of the 4-7-8 pattern and how to practice it regularly:


Learn more about Dr. Weil here on his website or on his YouTube channel


Find Your Practice

As you explore breathwork, I encourage you to keep the idea of practice in mind. Find exercises that fit your personal goals. Explore different styles of breathwork and different techniques.

When you find some that work for you, look for ways to include them in your routine.

Set a reminder, schedule time to practice with a loved one, or join a group session for support and accountability.

Follow along with a YouTube video, try breathing with a free app, or simply count in your head as you practice.

Find whatever process works best for you and stick with it.

Want to practice with a guide?

Your breath is a wonderful gift. Practicing breathwork is a great way to expand that gift and improve your wellbeing.

Join me and others from across the world twice a week for virtual group breathwork sessions. We meet via Zoom and all experience levels are welcome.