Feeling Stuck? Don’t work harder, believe harder.

Sometimes we get stuck thinking we are not doing enough to further our lives, our goals - ourselves. We become anxious and think we have to find a way to accomplish more, and that the answer is to work harder. 

What if -  instead of thinking you need to do more you could find a way to believe more?

Believe that you are a human being - not a human doer. Your life is not about what you accomplish but about what you experience.

Believe that the most productive people are not slaves to a long to-do list. And you don’t need to be either. The most productive people understand that at its core overworking is a sign that something in your thinking is off.

Believe that you can work smarter, not harder. You have the intelligence to look at the “must do’s” in life (job, finances, living situation) and align them with your strengths, gifts, and what brings you purpose and peace. Trust that you can find meaning even if it means having less. 

Believe that lasting contentment is not found in events as much as it is in your ability to assign meaning to the events. You have the power to interpret and give value to everything that happens in your life. You know you always have a choice.

Believe that happy people are people who have learned to be content with what they have, and what they do. Their work is enough and they are not under the illusion that happiness will be found if they have more hours in the day or if they have more stuff.

Believe that one of the best gifts you can give yourself is the freedom to not get so hung up on your plans (as important as it is at times) and leave some space to breathe into the magic of infinite possibilities. Your system is more receptive to taking in potentialities when you don’t have every minute of your day planned.  You can pause and intentionally focus on what is working well for you in your life, no matter how insignificant it might be.

Believe that things always work out. The sun always comes up. Tomorrow there will be food in your fridge, fresh ideas to consider, and new twists and turns in your life. Remember, a good night’s sleep really is the best cure for most anything.

So perhaps at the end of your day when you have the option to get one more thing checked off your to-do list, perhaps instead you take a moment and reflect on how good it is to have done “good work” today. And that what you accomplished was enough.

Good enough is not a cop-out. At the end of the day, you are the only one that can tell yourself, “Well done”. Your ability to say this to yourself and believe it is the only thing that matters. It may be the best mental health boost you can give yourself.