Advanced Resources

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Your breath is always with you.
Breathe well and be well.


New to breathwork? Start on this page: Beginner Breathwork Resources


Audio Guides


Use the videos below if you’d like to practice the breathing techniques from the intro series without instructions. An audio guide for pace and counting is included.

Day 1: Energize & Invigorate

2 minutes of deep breathing followed by holding the breath.
Breathe deeply into the belly through an open mouth.
Hold the breath as long as you feel comfortable.


Day 2: Relax & Calm

Breathe deeply into the belly through your nose.
Breathe in slowly to the count of 4, breathe out to the count of 4.
Extend to a count of 8.


Day 3: Reset & Decompress

6 minutes of deep breathing.
Breathe deeply into the belly through an open mouth.


Oak Meditation App

Oak is a free meditation app that contains three guided breathing exercises: Deep calm, Box, and Awake.

Each exercise includes audio cues and visual guiding with an animation.
You can set how long you’d like the exercise to last.

We’re not associated with this app at all, but we use it and enjoy it. It is only available for iOS right now.

Click here to visit Oak’s website

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15-20 minute guided breathwork exercises


These audio guides are longer exercises that you can incorporate into your practice. Each exercise below has two variations:

  1. Includes instructions at the beginning and cues during the breathing

  2. No instructions, cues are still included

Use the version that is most comfortable for you.


Energizing Breathwork


calming Breathwork


Clarity Breathwork

 More Resources

Live Group Sessions

I facilitate weekly group breathing sessions online via Zoom. After a short intro, we breathe for 50 minutes.

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I’m available and happy to help.
Email me at or click the button below to contact me.